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Learning How To Vape!

Learning how to vape can seem like an intimidating process. Imagine walking into your local vape shop and hearing “I recommend the new Exel 821B box mod. With triple 18650s you can chuck serious clouds at 250 watts with this 0.2 ohm Clapton Kanthal atty and some max VG juice.” Wait, what? This might make perfect sense if you are an experienced vaper. But if you walk into a vape shop for the first time and you hear this, you will probably say, “What?” What indeed. What does all of that mean? Fear not. We are going to make sense of all of this for you. Vaping does not have to be complicated. The first two things you should do are obvious. First, read the user manual that comes with your device. Second, make sure vaping is permitted where ever you intend to vape. There are many styles of vaping. Electronic cigarettes and vaporizers are a technology and with that comes versatility. Some e-cigs are very sophisticated, some are incredibly easy to use and enjoy. Let’s do this step by s

Differences Between E-Liquids and Cartridges

Differences Between E-Liquids and Cartridges E-liquids/e-juices and cartridges are both used for electronic cigarettes. When deciding which one you want, it’s important to get familiar with both products first. Electronic Cigarettes with E-liquid E-Liquid’s the liquid that fuels an electronic cigarette. It’s where the nicotine and flavoring for your vaping device comes from. It creates the vapor that you inhale to mimic smoking a traditional cigarette. Electronic cigarettes that take e-liquid have a battery base called an atomizer, and also a cartomizer which’s on top that holds the e-liquid. Most of these e-cigarettes can come in many different colors and shapes, but most don’t really look like a classic cigarette at all. You simply refill the top when you begin to see the e-liquid diminish. One thing to worry about in regards to e-liquid is of course over filling. If this happens, then you’re likely to get a mouth full of e-liquid. It can also be completely harmful to smal

Electronic Cigarette Poland——E-cigas legal status in Poland

Legal status of electronic cigarettes – Electronic Cigarette Poland POLAND – Permitted. In Poland, the sale and use of electronic cigarettes are legal. The Ministry of Health is reported as considering a prohibition of the sale of e-cigarettes in the near future. (2012) Smoking bans in Poland and e-cigarette Since 2003, Poland   legislation has prohibited smoking in enclosed workplaces with the exception of designated smoking areas. In 2010, the country reviewed its national tobacco legislation. After numerous discussions, the new pieces of legislation foresees a smoking ban in: – hospitals and other outpatients clinics and premises for patients – all educational premises – workplaces (employers can provide smoking rooms but they have to be specially prepared, with automatic ventilation) – all means of public transport – bars and restaurants (but if there is more than one room the owner can provide one room for smokers, which will have to be automatically closed an